Bonn University bctp Physics Institute of Bonn University

Theory Department

Fachgruppe Physik

Address: Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn
Nußallee 12
D-53115 Bonn
Federal Republic of Germany
Secretary: C. Börsch, L. Schindler, P. Zündorf
Email: theory (AT)
Office: Rooms W2.002, W1.011 and W2.026
Phone: +49-228-73-3247
Fax: +49-228-73-3223

Bethe Center (bctp)

Professors & their Groups
Phone & Email List

(of our Department only)
How to reach us
by car from all directions
from Bonn railway station
from ICE station Siegburg
from Cologne/Bonn airport
Local Resources (more...)
Physics Colloquium
Theory Seminar
Bethe Colloquium
other Seminars and Colloquia
Physics Institute Library
Road to Master (Particle Physics)

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Jan 19th, 2023
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