Günter von Gehlen
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn
Nußallee 12
D-53115 Bonn
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel: office +49-228-73-3244
Tel: secretary -228-73-3247
Fax: +49-228-73-3223
To contact me, please send e-mail to
Jan 24th, 2010
Research Areas:
Theory of Phase Transitions, Exactly Integrable Models, Conformal Quantum Field
Some recent publications:
- A.Honecker and G.von Gehlen, Exitation spectrum and correlation functions
of the Z3-chiral Potts quantum spin chain,
Nucl.Phys.B 435 (FS) (1995) 505-525
- G.von Gehlen, Integrable Zn-chiral Potts model: The missing rapidity-
momentum relation, hep-th/9601001,
published in "Statistical models, Yang-Baxter equation
and related topics",
ed. M.L.Ge & F.Y.Wu, World Scientific 1996, p.102-109
- G.von Gehlen, Finite-size energy levels of the superintegrable chiral
Potts model, hep-th/9811123,
published in "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries",
ed. J.Wess & E.A.Ivanov,
Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 524, (1999)
- Chr.Ritter and G.von Gehlen, Correlation functions and corner transfer
matrix of the chiral Potts model,
cond-mat/0009255, published in "Quantization,
Gauge Theory and Strings", Vol.I, 563-578,
ed.A.Semikhatov, M.Vasiliev, V.Zaikin,
Scientific World Publ.Co. 2001
- G.von Gehlen and Shi-shyr Roan, The superintegrable chiral Potts
quantum chain
and generalized Chebyshev polynomials, hep-th/0104144,
published in "Integrable
Structures of Exactly Solvable...", NATO Science Series II,
Vol.35, 155-172 (2001)
- G.von Gehlen, Onsager's algebra and partially orthogonal polynomials,
Int.J.Mod.Phys. B16 (2002) 2129-2136
- G.von Gehlen, S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, Explicit free parameterization
of the Modified Tetrahedron Equation,
arXiv:nlin.SI/0208035, Journ.of Phys.A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 975-998
- G.von Gehlen, S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, The Modified Tetrahedron
Equation and its solutions, arXiv:nlin.SI/0303043,
Intern.Journ.of Mod.Phys.A19 Suppl.(2004) 179-204
- G.von Gehlen, S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, Theta function parameterization
and fusion for 3-D integrable
Boltzmann weights, arXiv:nlin.SI/0305031,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 1159-1179
- G.von Gehlen, S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, Bazhanov-Stroganov model from 3D approach,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005) 7269-7298; arXiv:nlin.SI/0505019, 34 pages, 6 figures
- G.von Gehlen, S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, 3-dimensional integrable lattice models and the Bazhanov-Stroganov model,
Nankai Tracts in Math. 10: Diff.Geometry and Physics, ed. Mo-Lin Ge and
Weiping Zhang, p.210-220, World Scient. Singapore 2006
- G.von Gehlen, N. Iorgov, S.Pakuliak and V.Shadura, Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov model: Separation of Variables and Baxter Equation,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math.Gen. 39 (2006) 7257-7282; arXiv:nlin.SI/0603028, 28 pages, 1 figure
- G.von Gehlen, N. Iorgov, S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and Yu.Tykhyy, Form-factors in the
Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov model I: Norms and matrix elements,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math.Theor. 40 (2007) 14117-14138; arXiv:0708.4342[nlin.SI], 24 pages
- G.von Gehlen, N. Iorgov, S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and Yu.Tykhyy, Form-factors in the
Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov model II: Ising model on the finite lattice,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math.Theor. 41 (2008) 0950003 (24pages);
arXiv:0711.0457 [nlin.SI]
- G.von Gehlen, N. Iorgov, S.Pakuliak and V.Shadura, Factorized finite-size Ising model spin matrix elements from
separation of variables,
Journ.of Phys.A: Math.Theor. 42 (2009) 304026 (28pages);
arXiv:0904.2265 [nlin.SI]
- N. Iorgov, V.Shadura, Yu. Tykhyy, S. Pakuliak and G. von Gehlen, Spin operator
matrix elements in the superintegrable chiral Potts quantum chain,
J.Stat.Phys. 139 (2010) 743-768; arXiv:0912.5027 [cond-mat.stat-mech] (24 pages)
Workshops organized:
NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Dynamical Symmetries of Integrable Quantum
Field Theories and
Lattice Models", held 25-30 Sept.2000 in Kiev, Ukraine,
Co-Directors: G.von Gehlen & Vitaly
N.Shadura. Proceedings: NATO Science Series II/35, Kluwer academic publishers,
eds. S.Pakuliak & G.von Gehlen
"Lessons from low dimensions - the many aspects of Conformal Field Theory",
Bonn, 8-10 April 2005,
Organizers: R.Flume, G.v.Gehlen, H.P.Nilles, Chr.Schweigert
- INTAS-OPEN-97-1312: "Dynamical Symmetries of two-dimensional integrable
quantum field
theories and integrable models in statistical physics" (begin: March 1999,
duration 2 years,
funded by INTAS, International Association for the promotion of cooperation
with scientists from
the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union, Brussels)
- INTAS 00-00055: "Integrable structure of exactly solvable
two-dimensional models of quantum field theory" (July 2001-July 2003,
funded by INTAS, Brussels)
- INTAS 03-51-3350: "Correlation functions in integrable models of
quantum field theory and their applications
to phase transitions in
low-dimensional systems" (June 2004-May 2006)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2001, Project HLP-2001-15:
"Spin chain models governed by a high genus elliptic curve"
(with JINR Dubna, Moscow region)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2002, Project HLP-2002-11:
"Spin chain models governed by a high genus elliptic curve"
(with JINR Dubna, Moscow region)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2003, Project HLP-2003-12 "Three
dimensional lattice integrable models"
(with S.Pakuliak and S.Sergeev, BLTP Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research, Dubna)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2004, Project HLP-2004 "3-dimensional
approach for solving 2-dimensional integrable lattice spin
(with S.Pakuliak,BLTP Joint Inst. for Nuclear
Research, Dubna and S.Sergeev, Australian Nat. Univ. Canberra)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2005, Project HLP-2005 "Chiral Potts and
related 2-dimensional integrable models"
(with S.Pakuliak, S.Sergeev, V.Shadura and N.Iorgov,BLTP Dubna, ANU
Canberra, BITP Kiev)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2006, Project HLP-2006 "Separation of
variables in the integrable spin models"
(with S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and N.Iorgov,BLTP Dubna, BITP Kiev)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2007, Project HLP-2007 "Matrix elements
of the local operators in integrable spin models"
(with S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and N.Iorgov,BLTP Dubna, BITP Kiev)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2008, Project HLP-2008 "Eigenvectors and
form-factors in the integrable spin models"
(with S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and N.Iorgov,BLTP Dubna, BITP Kiev)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2009, Project HLP-2009 "Eigenfunctions for the
Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov model in the thermodynamic limit"
(with S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura and N.Iorgov,BLTP Dubna, BITP Kiev)
- Heisenberg-Landau Program 2010, Project HLP-2010 "Spontaneous
magnetization and form-factors in the superintegrable chiral Potts model"
(with S.Pakuliak, V.Shadura, N.Iorgov and Yu. Tykhyy, BLTP Dubna, BITP Kiev)