Physics Institute of Bonn University

Theory Department

Conformal Field Theory and String Theory

Werner Nahm

Conformally invariant quantum field theories are exactly solvable in two dimensions due to their infinite-dimensional symmetry group. Thus they can be applied to many two-dimensional models near criticality.

In first place, we investigate applications of supersymmetric conformal field theories in string theory. On the world sheet of a string such a conformal theory is defined in a natural way. We take these theories to describe special, solvable string vacua and to explore their moduli spaces, i.e. the deformations of these theories. This makes it possible to probe geometrical objects arising in compactifications of superstring theories, the so-called Calabi-Yau manifolds. Furthermore, we study conformal field theories on surfaces with boundaries giving rise to new boundary states. These can be used to describe non-perturbative objects in string theory, so-called D-branes.

We are also interested in more general questions, namely the classification of conformal field theories. The anomaly of the energy momentum tensor, the so-called central charge c, is a first distinction. For some interesting values of c we work on the classification of the respective conformal theories. The mathematical methods include algebraic geometry, differential geometry, Kac-Moody algebras and modular forms.

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