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Static Public Attributes
Stringconst Struct Reference

Struct with all string constants. More...

#include <stringconst.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string warningNoMass = "Warning: No mass for cosmic ray species determined in control file. Use 0.938 GeV as default."
static const std::string warningNoCharge = "Warning: No charge for cosmic ray species determined in control file. Use +1 as default."
static const std::string warningModelNotAllowed = "Warning: Model cannot be found. Use ref1 instead."
static const std::string warningNoModel = "Warning: No model determined in control file. Use ref1 as default."
static const std::string warningNoTiltModel = "Warning: No tilt Model determined in control file. Use R model as default."
static const std::string warningNoYear = "Warning: No year for determination of tilt angle determined in control file. Use 2014 as default."
static const std::string warningNoMonth = "Warning: No month for determination of tilt angle determined in control file. Average over the whole year will be used."
static const std::string warningNoPolarity = "Warning: No polarity determined in control file. Use +1 as default."
static const std::string warningNoTiltAngle = "Warning: No tilt angle determined in control file. Use 0 as default."
static const std::string warningNoOutputFormat = "Warning: No output format determined in control file. Use Text as default."
static const std::string warningWrongTypeFirst = "Warning: Input for "
static const std::string warningWrongTypeSecond = " is of wrong type. Value will be ignored."
static const std::string warningInvalidTiltModel = "Warning: Provided tilt model is invalid (not L or R). Use R model as default."
static const std::string warningNoMassFound = "Warning: Mass for the given (A,Z) CR species not found."
static const std::string warningNoISFlux = "Warning: No interstellar flux for CR species provided. Will use zero flux instead, result will be useless."
static const std::string warningNoNMValue = "Warning: No neutron monitor value is provided. Will use 500 instead."
static const std::string modelYamada = "ref1"
static const std::string modelJokipii = "ref2"
static const std::string modelPotgieter = "ref3"
static const std::string modelBurger = "ref4"
static const std::string modelStandard2D = "standard2D"
static const std::string modelCustom = "custom"
static const std::string infoModel = "Determined model: "
static const std::string infoNoForceField = "No force field value phi determined in control file. No force field approximation will be computed."
static const std::string infoNoModNumber = "All given cosmic ray species will be modulated."
static const std::string infoFITSFormat = "Import file is in FITS format."
static const std::string infoTextFormat = "Import file is in Text format."
static const std::string infoNoFlux = "No import file provided. Take default local interstellar flux."
static const std::string infoPolarity = "Computed polarity is: "
static const std::string infoAngle = "Computed tilt angle is: "
static const std::string infoDRAGON = "Import file is from DRAGON."
static const std::string infoGALPROP = "Import file is from GALPROP."
static const std::string infoSimulate = "Simulate particles with initial energy "
static const std::string infoSpeciesFirst = "There are "
static const std::string infoSpeciesSecond = " different CR species stored in the FITS file."
static const std::string infoData = "All data read from file "
static const std::string infoFITSOutput = "Write computed data to FITS file "
static const std::string infoTextOutput = "Write computed data to Text file "
static const std::string infoModulateFirst = "Modulate cosmic rays with mass "
static const std::string infoModulateSecond = " and charge "
static const std::string infoVersion = "This is SOLARPROP version 1.0"
static const std::string infoSuccess = "SOLARPROP finished. All jobs done"
static const std::string infoMass = "Determined CR mass (GeV): "
static const std::string infoCharge = "Determined CR charge: "
static const std::string infoForceField = "Determined force field (GV): "
static const std::string infoModNumber = "Determined modNumber: "
static const std::string infoTiltModel = "Determined tilt model: "
static const std::string infoYear = "Determined year for tilt angle calculation: "
static const std::string infoMonth = "Determined month for tilt angle calculation: "
static const std::string infoYearEnd = "Determined end year for tilt angle calculation: "
static const std::string infoMonthEnd = "Determined end month for tilt angle calculation: "
static const std::string infoPolarityDet = "Determined polarity is: "
static const std::string infoAngleDet = "Determined tilt angle is: "
static const std::string infoOutput = "Determined output format: "
static const std::string infoKappa = "Determined normalization for diffusion tensor: "
static const std::string infoB = "Determined normalization for solar magnetic field: "
static const std::string infoIndex = "Output will be multiplied by T^index with index = "
static const std::string infoTotalNumber = "Determined number of CR pseudo particles for each energy bin: "
static const std::string infoNoTotalNumber = "Number of CR pseudo particles for each energy bin: 1000"
static const std::string infoDeltaTime = "Manual given step size dt is: "
static const std::string infoExtraBins = "Determined number of extra data bins is: "
static const std::string infoNMDet = "Determined neutron monitor value is: "
static const std::string infoNMValue = "Computed neutron monitor value is: "
static const std::string infoKappaComputation = "Calculated diffusion tensor rescaling is: "
static const std::string infoSteps = "Average number of simulation steps: "
static const std::string errorOpenFile = "Unable to open file."
static const std::string errorControlMissing = "-c, --control option requires one argument."
static const std::string errorAngleMissing = "-a, --angle option requires one argument."
static const std::string errorOutputMissing = "-o, --output option requires one argument."
static const std::string errorInputMissing = "-i, --input option requires one argument."
static const std::string errorArgumentMissingFirst = "Usage: "
static const std::string errorArgumentMissingSecond = " -c, --control CONTROL FILE SOURCE"
static const std::string errorModNumber = "Error: Provided modNumber is incompatible (too large) with input."
static const std::string errorEnd = "SOLARPROP terminated with an error"
static const std::string errorNMMissing = "-n, --neutron option requires one argument."

Detailed Description

Struct with all string constants.

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