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Advanced Theoretical Particle Physics

This is the homepage for the lecture "Advanced Theoretical Particle Physics" by Hans Peter Nilles and Christoph Lüdeling, where we will post administrative information, the problem sheets and such.

Date and Place

The lecture is three hours a week, it takes place in Hörsaal I on Tuesday 16-18 and Friday 9-10.

The tutorials will be on Thursday from 17-19 in Room 0.024 in the AVZ (ground floor, formerly known as Room 16).

Note: The exam has been shifted back to July 12 (last Tuesday of the term), 16–19, in Hörsaal I!

Problem Sheets and Exam

The problem sheets are handed out and returned in the Tuesday lecture and discussed in the tutorials on Thursday. They are also posted here. To be admitted to the exam, you will need 50% of the points and have successfully participated in the tutorials.

Problem Sheets:

Christoph Lüdeling
Last modified: Wed Jun 22 16:06:24 CEST 2011