Homework problems for Advanced Quantum Theory

Sheet 1: Fixed a typo in problem 3.3 (wave function should be psil, not phil)
Sheet 2: Fixed a typo in eq.(8): time derivative was missing!
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5: Fixed a typo in the constant B in problem 2 (missing factor of epsilon), and two typos in eq.(7) in problem 3 (missing factor 1/B in front; wrong sign of the term proportional to A in the exponent).
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10 (Corrected a typo in the header: this is the tenth sheet, not the eleventh one.)
Sheet 11 Corrected a typo (obviously missing factor in the integrand) in eq.(3).
Sheet 12
Sheet 13
Sheet 14